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A Peek Into the Inner Workings of a Nonprofit

Writer: Elisabeth CurtisElisabeth Curtis

Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind the scenes of a nonprofit? The truth is, it’s a lot of hard work and dedication! As the director of Pilgrim Heights, I can tell you that there’s much more to running an organization like this than meets the eye. Let me share with you some of my experiences so that you can get an inside look at what goes into making every day successful.

From Planning to Execution

Running a nonprofit isn’t as easy as just setting up activities and having kids show up. There are countless moving parts that all have to be accounted for before any guests even arrive. There’s a lot of planning and preparation that goes into each season, from creating schedules, preparing activities, and arranging meals, to making sure all staff is available and supplies are stocked. It takes a team of dedicated volunteers to make sure everything runs smoothly!

The Fun Stuff

Once the planning is completed and the guests arrive, it's time for the fun stuff! This is usually when I get most excited – seeing everyone full of anticipation for what kind of fun they are about to have over the course of their stay. I love helping create memorable experiences for our guests; whether it’s playing games at the lake or exploring nature, there’s something special about being able to provide them with an opportunity to explore and learn new things while also having fun.

Wrapping Up

At the end of each season, we take time to reflect on how everything went. We ask ourselves what worked well and what didn't so that we can improve upon our processes for next year. We also review our finances and budgeting plans so that we can better understand where our donations need to be allocated in order for us to continue providing top-notch experiences for our guests each year. To say running this nonprofit is rewarding would be an understatement! It's truly one of those things that makes me proud every single day!

Running a nonprofit is no small feat; it takes dedication, hard work, and lots of planning (and coffee!). From creating schedules and prepping activities to providing unforgettable memories for our guests—it's all part of creating meaningful experiences during all seasons of their lives. If you want to know more about the inner workings behind nonprofits (or just want some ideas on how you can help), be sure to contact your local camp today! Together we can ensure future generations have access to amazing opportunities like these each season!

Elisabeth Curtis

Executive Director

Pilgrim Heights Camp & Retreat Center



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